Legend Fantasy offers players not only countless thrilling matches to join in the game but also a designed game progression journey to enhance their gaming experience and enjoyment.
Legend Fantasy offers a wide variety of in-game tasks.Whether you are a newcomer or a seasoned player, you can find both enjoyment and challenges in completing these tasks.
Tasks come with appealing rewards in the game.Players will receive more rewards as they reach higher levels.
The basic tasks in the game will be refreshed every day.
Players can complete the basic tasks to earn free Ruby.
The progression tasks in the game will have a status bar for players to complete.
When players complete the current progression of the task; each completed task is replaced by a more challenging one.
Progression tasks will set a challenging target for players to complete.
The rewards from progression tasks are more appealing than Basic tasks.
Players can only complete the One-time Tasks for once. It has the most rewards out of other tasks.